Now I can use global array in Statement/Function

Yesterday, I logged how I achieved sharing one element of array to statement/function. It was  using a pointer like this.

Dim test.w(10)
*pTest.w = test(3)

Statement MyProc01{}
  SHARED *pTest.w
End Statement

But, when I want to SHARED a lookup table, like Sin table, I should do SHARED whole array. So, I opened some example source codes in Blitz folder and found how to do that.

Statement MyProc02{}
  SHARED test()
End Statement

It looks List is also possible to SHARED. 

Today's picture is just changing palette and use lookup table of Sine for the move of enemy blue ghosts. I notice that, it getting slower when number of ghosts increased. There are only 5 enemies though. and distance of those enemies are not stable. May be frame was dropped.

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