Testing Palette

I implemented dualplayfield to my test program. Then trying to find out which palette # is correspond to (foreground bitmap/background bitmap/sprite). I really confused about that. I thought it is something like ..

color #0-15 : foreground color 0-15
color#16-31:background color 0-15
color#32-35:sprite channel 0,1
color#36-39:sprite channel 2,3 ...
Note: foreground/background are 4bit planes, coplist initialized to 8bit planes AGAcolor. sprites are 2 bitplanes.

InitCopList 0,44,200,$10438,8,48,0

But result looks some palette# are shared use. In this case, actual assignment is,

color #0-15 : foreground 0-15
color #8-23 : background 0-15
color #24-31 : sprite channel 0-7

Hmm, if I think this way, it makes sense. The coplist apply 3bit + 3bit + 2bit*8 sprite (total 32 colors). But bitmaps are 4bit. Colors for extra 2 x 1 bit are over wrapped. Probably I miss use and/or understood something.


  • test dualplayfield
  • find out palette mapping for 2x4bit bitmap+8x2bit sprites. <- somewhat


  • key input and move sprite
  • finding some tools for editing bitmap or conversion.

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